Books for people who are a work in progress
Trans The*logy Without Apology
Vanguard Revisited: The Queer Faith, Sex & Politics of the Youth of San Francisc
Sacred Waters: How to Accept Blessings When They Find You
The INTRAfaith Conversation: How Do Christians Talk Among Ourselves About INTERF
Prayers from Iceland: Light Dawns on a Weary World
Prayers From Norway: Untangling Our Shame of Body, Mind and Politic
New Wonders: Lessons Learned at the End of a Long Winding Road
The Way to Flüeli-Ranft
Prayers from the Caribbean: Injury, Struggle and Liberation
The Chaplain's Gut: An Embodied Guide to Holy Anger
Queerly Lutheran
Prayers from Philadelphia: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Fart Town: The People Are Nice the Air is Not
Never Again
This is My Body
Justice Thou Art
Bible Stories: Reimagining Between the Lines
Sacred Anger